UnTools © 1999-2003 Steve Tessler UnTools@email.com http://www.CleanDataSystems.com Release History !=========== 2003-03-30 - version 1.01 build 53 New release version Enough changes have accumulated for this release that it was time to increment to 1.01 The numbering scheme for versions is changed; the build number is separate from version number All incremental unreleased versions since 1.00.34 are represented here Bug fix -Defective queries are detected and reported after source selection -Added checks for name length > 64 characters in all output table/field/query names -Corrections to some text boxes, tool tips, and other visuals -UnClear - don't attempt to open Result form if query is defective - trapped error when attempting to summarize a table that's open in design mode - prevent AutoNumber field from being used for Null replacement -UnPivot - prompt added to clear or leave the default output names when naming option is unchecked -UnMatch - when no-merge option selected, checks that combination of table+field names is not longer than 60 characters; shows a message with longer names -fixed initial startup check for valid user work tables Improvement -Resizable result form for UnClear, UnCode, UnDaTe * default opening size and equal widths for 3 fields * updated Help for the three tools to note the resizable form -All combo boxes widen to 2x width when double-clicked; active for control during current session -UnClear query option now has the query name default prefix as a preference on the Preferences tab -UnPivot ouput option for existing table now sets Replace table as YES like other tools (was No) -Shortcut Keys added to several buttons -Added code to refresh database window when tables are created or deleted -Detect and report selection of AutoNumber datatype in UnClear,UnField,UnList,UnMatch -More Field datatypes identified (for ODBC links) Help -Changes to mention new features & bug traps -UnList - Usage Notes describe how to link result table back to original - 'Inside MS Access' review requested option for copying a single PK field to the output table -- this is not desireable; the output consolidates the *unique* varieties of list data, and creates a translation for each unique Item; it does not create an output table that has a record for each Item from *every* source record (could be millions) -- Help includes the query solution where you join the new SourceField to the original SourceField -Some general text errors were fixed -Tips and rare error conditions added where appropriate (e.g., source containing iif or other function) !=========== 2002-04-02 - version 1.00.34 build 20020402 Bug fix -Fixed UnMatch output to open table for editing (was read-only) -Fixed UnMatch error if replacing output table that's open Changed -A few very minor adjustments here and there !=========== 2002-02-19 - version 1.00.32 build 20020219 Bug fix - Inadvertantly blocked linked table from source selection fix in v.1.00.30 - Set trap for Error 3146, 'ODBC Call failed' when selecting a table source Changed - more minor changes to some dialogs !=========== 2002-02-17 - version 1.00.30 build 20020217 Bug fix - Fixed source selection to unlimited number of items - Trapped empty queries in UnClear, UnField, UnPivot, UnList, UnMatch Changed - minor changes to some dialogs !=========== 2001-11-15 - version 1.00.20 build 1115 Bug fix - changed website hyperlink (www.UnTools.com redirect didn't work for everyone ??!) - fixed bug in UnPivot where replacing the output file didn't work in all cases (appended instead) Added - added Minimize button to center-bottom of main form (preferred over repeated open/close of UnTools) - added option in UnClear to replace values containing only one or more space characters Changed - minor changes to some Help info !=========== 2001-09-25 - version 1.00.16 build 0925 - First full release version !=========== 2000-10-08 - version 0.97 build 1003 - beta release version Contact: UnTools@email.com http://www.CleanDataSystems.com